2014-2015. PI: F.Bartumeus
The following project was submitted in response to the growing demand for computing power linked to the frontier R+D developed at the Center for Advanced Studies of Banes (CEAB-CSIC) in different aspects of the ecology of marine and freshwater ecosystems. The demand for high-performance computing was initiated at our center ten years ago, naturally evolving from a situation of resources generated by individual researchers to the current situation where a High Performance Computing (HPC) becomes a must. The HPC Cluster allows computing intensive routines related to disciplines all prominent at CEAB: (1) Bioinformatics (2) Spatial Ecology (GIS), (3) Theoretical and Computational Ecology (4) Database Mining and KDD, and also may provide a common space and secure place to store databases of historical data or massive ecological data produced by researchers at the center.